Monday, October 12, 2009

Listen Up! African Americans
Obama’s NAACP 100TH Anniversary Speech

If you haven’t heard it already, check out President Barack Obama’s 100 Anniversary Speech to the NAACP. It’s a classic and a keeper—something you’ll want to share with family members, friends and all in your community.

In sum, it’s a mission driven speech to his “own folk” that’s full of passion. Bounce the link far and wide:

Fresh on the heels of his trip to Ghana, the speech crystallizes the transition of Africans to the new world and the pioneering work the NAACP has done since 1909.
Founded by famed scholar W.E.B. DuBois and others under the Niagara Movement banner, the multicultural organization is something all Americans can be proud of

As Obama said during his address to conferees, “I stand on the shoulders and backs” of those who walked before me.

We all do.

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