Monday, October 12, 2009

After Caucus Catch Up

Coincidentally, my last official blog post focused on the inauguration. While I managed to at least digitally capture reflections throughout the summer, time was at a premium and I’m just now carving out a few minutes to post those thoughts online.

As we approach 4th quarter, I’m making a commitment to be a lot more regular with my blogging and do even better in 2010. The trick is to get back on track when you get derailed. That goes for blogging or any other important project.

AirTran: A Lesson in Customer Relations

Despite an extensive delay due to mechanical trouble at LaGuardia recently, I have to give the New York gate agents credit. They remained cool, calm and collected as they rebooked nearly 100 customers, and shuttled to a local hotel for a brief rest before departing the next morning.

No one wants to ride plane that hasn’t passed muster by the mechanics. And, we got a free roundtrip!

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