Saturday, May 24, 2008

(Hip-Hop, Jazz, Salsa, Country and Classical Versions Soon Available!)

The Nov. 4 Presidential Election represents a historic challenge for us to put the first person of color in the White House. The task is daunting and we have less than six months to achieve our goal.

Black, brown, red, white and blue.
We who represent America’s “global hue”
Will mobilize to elect—
Our nation’s first African American president!

Say it. Sing it. Believe it!

Yes friends, it WILL happen. But each and every American of voting age must do their part. To effect change, you must:

> Understand the issues.

> Donate time and money.

> Start a political discussion group or action committee.

> Share perspectives; make your friends and associates smart!

> Be proactive; every connection among your social network counts.

> Encourage others to “work the web” to their political advantage.

> Eliminate doubt.

> Replace angst with action.

> You are what you think.

* That said, watch your language and thoughts:

Example: Say/think “Change WILL occur.” Not “Change could occur.” Then, back up your statements with facts.

> Understand what we’re up against.

> Respect the process.

> Analyze competitors; act accordingly.

> Fight for your rights—for healthcare, equal wages, decent housing.

Understand we don’t have a minute to waste. While I don’t underestimate the task at hand, I’m already planning an election night party.

Why? Because I REFUSE to not give this task 250% effort. And, I refuse to wake up Nov. 5 with a “Woulda, coulda, shoulda” attitude.

It is possible. It will happen.

Black, brown, red, white and blue.
We who represent America’s “global hue”
Will mobilize to elect—
Our nation’s first African American president!

Slackers, get out of my way! I’m ready to mobilize and energize EVERYONE in my circle to make a difference.

Join the “Circle of O” and make a difference. O stands for Barack Obama, a new world Order, Organization, Opportunity and grassroots to global Outreach. I’m disciplined and dedicated, and if you’re reading this blog, I know you are too.

Get to work. We need your special brand of talent and everyone in your circle to win this election!

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