Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Often, we need a nudge to get started with a writing project, publicity campaign, employment search or major life change. Once you start, forward motion leads to momentum, which breeds maximum results! Use these “motivation milestones” to track your progress:

M ake the most of each day and earn success—one step at a time.

O pportunities lead to reward. Discipline yourself to seize the moment!

T ackle challenges; don’t procrastinate.

I nitiate conversations, contacts and substantive liaisons.

V alue time, resources, talents (yours and others).

A ctualize dreams. Pray. Push. Persevere.

T ake action NOW.

I nvigorate your life! Learn ... risk ... renew.

O ffer to assist and elevate your lifetime circle of support.

N ever let laziness or a lackadaisical attitude win.

© 2008 Lynne Scott Jackson

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