Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Obama Nation: Create a New Holiday

A big part of creativity is just doing things differently.

During holiday time, I’m swamped with preparation for final exams and am so over the commercialism. Too waste on wanton pleasures, too draining; no longer representative of what I’m about. It was nice to gather with family in Virginia and appreciate the small things, minus the hoopla.

Why not create your own holiday remembrance, which allows people to pause and hopefully take a moment to let important milestones sink in. Here’s my holiday card copy in celebration of next week’s inauguration.

Obama Nation

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I’ll send it to cherished friends and business associates via snail mail, (the kind with a stamp), because I realize most unsolicited email is not read and usually deleted. Plus, are thousands of people interested in what you have to say. Unless you’re President Obama, probably not!

It’s all about building lasting community with valuable relationships that can reap untold rewards with intermittent, careful communications.

The rest is well, junk mail.

Before you hit the send button or reach out, think about your communication techniques and be sure your messages are on the mark and not just shots in the dark. Keep it short and to the point.
Your audience and associates will truly appreciate your willingness to fine tune the message and the medium.

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