Saturday, June 09, 2007

“M” Word Moratorium

M _ n _ r _ t _ . Fill in the blanks: smaller, opposition, different, under, less than full responsibility.


Tip: when communicating with me or other Expertati (MarComm execs with 20+ years experience), consider extolling a broader worldview. Aim to be more specific when describing fellow Americans, colleagues, neighbors and your child’s classmates. Let’s get real: the “M” word denotes multi-talented professionals with unique perspectives, big dreams, loving families and hard-working millionaires!

According to, mi-nor-i-ty; spelled pronunciation [mi-nawr-i-tee, -nor, -mahy-]


1. the smaller part or number; a number, part or amount forming less than half of the whole.

2. a smaller party or group opposed to a majority, as in voting or other action.

3. a group differing, esp. in race, religion, or ethnic background, from the majority of a population: legislation aimed at providing equal rights for minorities.

4. a member of such a group.

5. the state or period of being under the legal age of full responsibility.


6. of or pertaining to a minority.

The meaning does not communicate or effectively provide context for the bright mosaic that is America! Consider your reaction if the media, politicians and business leaders referred to your cultural heritage in “less than” spectacular terms.

You might get used to it, but you don’t have to like it.

I don’t.

Remember: communications is all about persuasion and getting your message across to select audiences, via unique “hyper local” channels. It’s the information age; words, phrasing, tone and manner count big. Why risk tuning out important audiences—audiences that can positively impact your bottom line? According to the US Census, of our total population of 288 million Americans:

> More than 114 million are Black or African American, American Indian and Alaska native, Asian, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islanders, Hispanic or Latino, or of two or more races

> More than 35 million Americans are foreign born

Does either figure sound like a “M” to you? It all how you crunch the numbers (we know this) and it’s up to MarComm pros to deepen the dialogue. Be descriptive and succinct, but don’t minimize the discussion. Optional phrasing:

> Describe country or ethnic heritage (African Americans, Mexican Americans, American Indian tribe)

> Describe group you’re speaking about (Women? Gays/Lesbians? Latinos? People with physical challenges?)

> Recent Immigrants, New Americans

> People of Color

Yes, I’m on my personal soap box, but that’s the beauty of the blogosphere! Why not expand your thinking and broaden your vocabulary while educating your colleagues and clients? Maximize the impact of your message. Eliminate the “M” word.

Take the “Millynneum Challenge” – refrain from using the “M” word for a solid week. I know you can do it and trust you can develop a Colorblind Mind.

>> MI

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