Saturday, June 09, 2007

Become a “One Page Wonder”

Tired of scrolling through meaningless, hard-to-read documents and attachments? Want to create meaningful proposals that make it EASY for people to take action?

Become a “one page wonder” – a knowledge worker who can crystallize an idea from concept to completion on 1 page or less! Be someone people want to work with, because what you want or need is so clear and concise. I try to always share this with my writing and communications students; it’s a pleasure to share my thoughts with Millynneum Insight readers.

Take heed of the following from one of my writing students, whose senior managers commented, “If it has to be collated, then I don’t need it.” Good advice! Yes, always have full backup docs available, but always try to be brief and succinct. Think of the one pager as an “executive summary,” always useful to busy professionals. Time is money. Brevity wins friends and keeps projects progressing and on point. Managers appreciate your ability to “cut to the chase.”

Over the past 24 hours, I’ve developed these one pagers:

> Men’s Health Advocacy Award - global in scope; based on “tweaked” template; word to the wise … don’t make writing assignments hard; use drafts, revise & edit

> Prostate Net (PN) / Barbers International (BI) Team Meeting Proposal – coincides with global BI conference AUG 4-6 in Chicago; Lynne is founding director

> Phoebus High School – 30th Reunion Scholarship Fundraiser - yes friends, as an Experati (MarComm pro with 20+ years experience), I proudly graduated from HS in ’77!

> Black Public Relations Society-New York - board of directors planning recap Co-Presidents, LSJ and Gordon Balkcom; Vice Presidents Renee Foster, Michael Millis

> Client Action Plan & Billing Estimate – details services & fee structure

All docs are one page (or less) and include resources and action points, guiding reader through the fundraising, meeting or event management process. Bonus: once you get the hang of it, you become a fantastic “self editor” deleting extra words to make your ideas fit onto one page!

Each doc shares what I’ve learned over the years as a marketing/PR consultant and attempts to make my colleagues’ or clients’ jobs easier. Plus, my “Millynneum Insight – Big Picture” ideas might also assist in their “stretch” leadership efforts. It’s amazing what resources evolve once you put your ideas out there! When writing or guiding the communications process, I aim to:

> SOS - Simplify Objectives & Standardize Procedures (HELP reader)

> KISS - Keep it Simple & Succinct (use short sentences, eliminate jargon)

> IIAI - Inform, Interact, Advise & Inspire readers to take action

Yes, friends, you can easily upgrade your business expertise via, a.k.a. Millynneum Business Acumen! Keep reading this blog and featured links to refine your writing, editing, communications, presentation and management skills. Learn to tightly edit and revise while attaining the achievable, yet elusive goal of becoming a “one page wonder”. Here’s to developing your unique vision and voice as you sell your ideas!

>> MI

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