Friday, January 07, 2011

Let Go and Simplify Your Life

The Winter Break and multiple snowstorms have been wonderful "pauses" in our hectic lives. I’ve managed to condense thoughts and connect dots. I've taken a few moments to:

> Give thanks for what I have

> Plan ahead with purpose and look forward to the New Year

> Make a real effort not to accumulate more unnecessary stuff

> Understand that whatever you do, it’s may never be enough

> Aim for high standards and target main goals each day (you can adjust priorities)

> Get a jump on my blog posts

> Marvel at the Facebook/Goldman Sachs investment deal (Wall Street’s still one of the best “Off Broadway” shows in New York)

> Take stock of what I’ve accomplished and what I’d like to achieve in the next 20 years

> Catch up on HBO reruns (Entourage, Six Feet Under, Boardwalk Empire, Big Love – new season starts Jan. 16)

> Mull over my new meaning for “PC,” not the standard “politically correct” phrasing, but a concentrated effort to be more --

1. Persistent
2. Consistent

> Appreciate the power of pleasure reading and unstructured play

Today’s New York Times even included a feature about how humans, particularly kids need time to just be imaginative and play without a hidden agenda:

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